Groundbreaking for New Residential Project in Bonn: Mainzer Straße 36-44

Bonn – Today marked a significant milestone for residential development in Bonn with the official groundbreaking ceremony for the large-scale construction project at Mainzer Straße 36-44. Investors and local stakeholders gathered to celebrate the commencement of this promising endeavor.

Grundsteinlegung für das Wohnprojekt Mainzer Straße 36-44

Während der Grundsteinlegungszeremonie betonten die Bauverantwortlichen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Lösung der Wohnraumknappheit in der Stadt zu leisten und gleichzeitig die städtebauliche Entwicklung positiv zu beeinflussen. Dieses Projekt ist ein weiterer Schritt auf dem Weg zu einer lebendigen und lebenswerten Stadt für alle Bewohnerinnen und Bewohner Bonns.

Bernd Hasse, der Geschäftsführer der Property Ventures GmbH, Entwickler des Projektes erklärte, dass das Bauprojekt höchsten Qualitätsstandards entsprechen wird. Die Wohnanlage wird nicht nur modern und komfortabel sein, sondern auch durch nachhaltige Bauweisen und umweltfreundliche Technologien einen Beitrag zum Klimaschutz leisten.

Cvitan Gavran als Geschäftsführer der Rabe-Ero GmbH als Generalunternehmer versicherte eine qualitativ hochwertige Bauausführung, sowie eine pünktliche Fertigstellung des Neubaus in der Mainzer Straße 36-52 mit 79 Wohneinheiten, einer Gewerbeeinheit und einer Tiefgarage mit 92 Pkw-Stellplätzen, 8 PKW- Außenstellplätzen für die Gewerbeeinheit sowie Fahrradstellplätzen auf dem Grundstück.

Die Baumaßnahme wurde im 1. Quartal Jahr 2024 begonnen und soll im Jahr 2025 abgeschlossen werden. Der U-förmige Wohn- und Gewerbekomplex besteht aus 5 Baukörpern: 3 baulich getrennte Einzelhäuser Haus 1-3, Haus 4 mit Gewerbenutzung im Erdgeschoss, Haus 4 mit Wohn- und Abstelleinheiten in den Obergeschossen sowie Haus 5 mit Wohn- und Abstelleinheiten in allen Geschossen.

Alle Baukörper umfassen vier Obergeschosse inkl. Staffelgeschoss und sind vollflächig durch eine zusammenhängende Tiefgarage unterbaut. Die Unterkellerung (Tiefgarage) dieses zweiten Bauabschnitts soll mit dem nebenan gelegenen ersten Bauabschnitt verbunden werden.

Grundsteinlegung für das Wohnprojekt Mainzer Straße 36-44

Von der Mainzer Straße aus erfolgt die Einfahrt zur Tiefgarage im Ostbereich des Grundstücks, im Nord-Westbereich die Ein- und Ausfahrt zu den oberirdischen Parkplätzen vor Haus 4.
Im Zentrum des Gebäudekomplexes ist ein Innenhof geplant, der sich auf der Decke über der Tiefgarage befindet. Die Tiefgarage ist über eine Rampe mit dem Fahrzeug zu erreichen.

Die Bauteile werden in Massivbauweise (Stahlbeton und Mauerwerk) hergestellt, in geringem Umfang auch in Trockenbauweise (EG Haus 4).

Das Projekt wird nicht nur neue Wohnmöglichkeiten schaffen, sondern auch Arbeitsplätze generieren und einen positiven Impuls für die lokale Wirtschaft setzen.

Die Organisatoren sind zuversichtlich, dass dieses Wohnprojekt einen bleibenden positiven Eindruck in der Stadt hinterlassen wird, und laden die Gemeinschaft ein, diese spannende Entwicklung mitzuverfolgen.

Für weitere Informationen und Presseanfragen kontaktieren Sie bitte:

Pressekontakt „Mainzer Straße 36-44“
Tel: 030 921060550

Grundsteinlegung für das Wohnprojekt Mainzer Straße 36-44

Construction of a new residential building at Mainzer Straße 36-52, 53179 Bonn

The plot to be developed in Bonn is located in the district 4315 Mehlem, section 1, plot 1756, covering an area of approximately 5,949 m2.

The aforementioned construction project involves a new building at Mainzer Straße 36-52, comprising 79 residential units, one commercial unit, and an underground garage with 92 parking spaces for cars, 8 outdoor parking spaces for the commercial unit, as well as bicycle parking on the premises.

Construction is expected to commence in the first quarter of 2024 and scheduled for completion in 2025. The U-shaped residential and commercial complex consists of 5 buildings: 3 structurally separated individual houses (Houses 1-3), House 4 with commercial use on the ground floor and residential units on upper floors, and House 5 with residential units across all floors including an attic.

All buildings feature four upper floors including an attic and are fully supported by a contiguous underground garage. The basement (underground garage) of this second phase will be connected to the adjacent first phase.
Access to the underground garage will be from the eastern side of Mainzer Straße, with entry and exit to above-ground parking in the northwest area of House 4. A courtyard is planned in the center of the complex, situated on the roof of the underground garage and accessible via a ramp.

Construction materials will predominantly include reinforced concrete and masonry, with some elements using dry construction methods (ground floor of House 4).

Construction of a New Residential Building at Markgrafendamm 34a, 10245 Berlin

Berlin – RABE-ERO GmbH, on behalf of PV 21.Objektgesellschaft mbH, a project company of Property Ventures GmbH in Cologne, is constructing a new residential building at Markgrafendamm 34a, located in the second courtyard. The building will feature 45 residential units, the majority of which will be barrier-free.

Neubau am Markgrafendamm 34a, 10245 Berlin-Friedrichshain

The contract with the developer includes turnkey construction of the property. The construction site at Markgradendamm 34a is situated in Berlin-Friedrichshain (10245). The 45 apartments are designed as 1- and 2-bedroom units. The building will include a basement and 7 above-ground floors. It is planned with a green flat roof (extensive), roof terraces, balconies, and garden terraces.

Access to the property will be via the passageway of the building at Markgrafendamm 34. The new building will feature a spacious entrance area; the upper floors will be accessible by elevator. The plaster facade with thermal insulation composite system will be complemented stylistically by facade panels. The facade will be horizontally divided by a base and attic floors, further structured by French windows.

The property is located near the Elsenbrücke, providing convenient access for individual traffic to Berlin’s city center and its vibrant neighborhoods.

The total investment for the project is estimated at approximately 8 million euros. Construction is set to commence on February 1, 2024, with expected completion by Easter 2025.

New Colleague Announcement

We are pleased to announce Mr. Alexander Flock-Haas as the newest member of RABE-ERO! As of August 1, 2023, he has assumed the role of Project Manager, where he will be responsible for overseeing construction processes and ensuring high-quality execution. Mr. Flock-Haas brings extensive expertise in ecology, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Starting his career as a wood mechanic, he furthered his knowledge through his completed studies in civil engineering and gained valuable experience as a project manager at BMS Industriebau GmbH over many years. Together with Mr. Flock-Haas, we look forward to laying further foundations for progress and success!

Expansion of an Attic into Five Residential Units in Berlin Friedrichshain

In the heart of Berlin, in Friedrichshain, the construction company RABE-ERO GmbH is converting an attic into five residential units on behalf of a private investor.

The project has a total investment volume of approximately 3 million euros.

The attic is located in a residential street in Berlin-Friedrichshain, at the corner of Eldenaer Straße 13 / Dolziger Straße 51. The surrounding area is characterized by a dense mix of front, side, and rear buildings, forming atypical courtyard shapes due to the unique block structure. The predominant building type is the typical Berlin rental apartment buildings with a mix of hard and soft roofing. Across Eldenaer Straße, there is an adjacent residential and commercial area, consisting of two-story, small-scale terraced houses and large commercial halls. The entire property covers an area of 793 square meters, and RABE-ERO GmbH will expand it by an additional 542 square meters. This expansion will create five residential units, offering comfortable and high-quality living spaces.

RABE-ERO GmbH is responsible for the comprehensive, turnkey, and timely execution of the project as the general contractor. The existing building consists of two front buildings that converge towards a gable at the corner due to the property’s corner position. The V-shaped structure of the building includes a rear courtyard to the east and a light well in the central part of the building. This central area also serves to connect the two existing staircases located within the building structure, distinguished by their unique form. The existing attic will be converted into five apartments: one corner apartment facing the gable and two apartments in each of the front buildings. The new apartments will have terraces aligned in size and position with the existing balconies on the floors below. In the rear courtyard, the volume of the attic conversion steps back behind the eaves. The rooms will be lit through vertical terrace windows, roof windows, and planned dormer windows.
Following the signing of the contract by both parties on February 28, 2023, construction timelines were agreed upon. The construction project is scheduled to commence in the second quarter of 2023 and is expected to conclude in the first quarter of 2025.

The project was designed by the architectural firm Steffi Weihrauch and managed during execution by Berliner P.I.K. PARTNER IMMOBILIEN KONZEPT GMBH.

Press Release – October 31, 2022

Berlin, October 31, 2022 – The construction company RABE-ERO GmbH from Berlin has hired two apprentices as Office Management Assistants effective September 1, 2022.

As an Office Management Assistant, Mr. Lee will receive comprehensive training across various departments of our company. His responsibilities will encompass traditional organizational tasks as well as specific duties tailored to our business needs, including procurement, cost estimation, sales, marketing, as well as accounting and finance. The diversity of tasks in this profession likely contributes to its popularity as one of the most sought-after apprenticeships.

As a highly digitalized company, it was essential for us that the educational component of the apprenticeship could be conducted entirely online. Therefore, the different learning modules at vocational school are taught digitally using tablets, completely eliminating the need for paper and textbooks.

We are excited about this collaboration and wish Mr. Lee a successful start and a fruitful apprenticeship.
For further information and press inquiries, please contact:

Press Contact
“Apprenticeship Program”
Tel: +49 30 921060550
