Entries by RABE-ERO

Groundbreaking for New Residential Project in Bonn: Mainzer Straße 36-44

Bonn – Today marked a significant milestone for residential development in Bonn with the official groundbreaking ceremony for the large-scale construction project at Mainzer Straße 36-44. Investors and local stakeholders gathered to celebrate the commencement of this promising endeavor. Während der Grundsteinlegungszeremonie betonten die Bauverantwortlichen einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Lösung der Wohnraumknappheit in der Stadt […]

Construction of a new residential building at Mainzer Straße 36-52, 53179 Bonn

The plot to be developed in Bonn is located in the district 4315 Mehlem, section 1, plot 1756, covering an area of approximately 5,949 m2. The aforementioned construction project involves a new building at Mainzer Straße 36-52, comprising 79 residential units, one commercial unit, and an underground garage with 92 parking spaces for cars, 8 […]

Construction of a New Residential Building at Markgrafendamm 34a, 10245 Berlin

Berlin – RABE-ERO GmbH, on behalf of PV 21.Objektgesellschaft mbH, a project company of Property Ventures GmbH in Cologne, is constructing a new residential building at Markgrafendamm 34a, located in the second courtyard. The building will feature 45 residential units, the majority of which will be barrier-free. The contract with the developer includes turnkey construction […]

New Colleague Announcement

We are pleased to announce Mr. Alexander Flock-Haas as the newest member of RABE-ERO! As of August 1, 2023, he has assumed the role of Project Manager, where he will be responsible for overseeing construction processes and ensuring high-quality execution. Mr. Flock-Haas brings extensive expertise in ecology, energy efficiency, and sustainability. Starting his career as […]

Expansion of an Attic into Five Residential Units in Berlin Friedrichshain

In the heart of Berlin, in Friedrichshain, the construction company RABE-ERO GmbH is converting an attic into five residential units on behalf of a private investor. The project has a total investment volume of approximately 3 million euros. The attic is located in a residential street in Berlin-Friedrichshain, at the corner of Eldenaer Straße 13 […]

Press Release – October 31, 2022

Berlin, October 31, 2022 – The construction company RABE-ERO GmbH from Berlin has hired two apprentices as Office Management Assistants effective September 1, 2022. As an Office Management Assistant, Mr. Lee will receive comprehensive training across various departments of our company. His responsibilities will encompass traditional organizational tasks as well as specific duties tailored to […]